God Did Not Invent Death

God did not invent Death, and   when living creatures die,  it gives Him no pleasure.  He created everything so that it might continue to exist.  An everything He created is wholesome and good.

There is no deadly poison in them. No,  death does not rule the world.  For God's justice does not die. When God created us He did not intend for us to die.  He made us like Himself.  It was the devil's jealousy that brought death into the world, and those who belonge to him are the ones who will die.  Wisdom 1:13-15, 2:23-24

Prayers:    The question:   Are your   jealousy    for   your brother or sister in Christ killing them? I pray that Jesus will come into your heart.  I also pray that you confess your sins to the Judge God that He will have mercy on you.

God is Good all of the time: God is Love 1JOHN 4:16


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