Malaysia Jet in East

Prayers In Time of War 

Malaysia Jet Shot
Down in the East

The crash site in Ukraine, 17 July
Look in mercy on those immediately exposed to peril.  Comfort... the sufferings of the wounded, and show mercy to the dying. According to Your good and gracious will, remove the causes and occasions of this war, and restore peace among the nations; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.Flight MH17 leaving Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam, 17 July
O Lord God of infinite mercy, we humbly implore You to look down on the nations now engaged in war. Do not count Your people’s sins against them, but grant them true repentance, that the lusts of the human heart may be conquered by Your Spirit of gentleness and righteousness. (  

God is Love and Jesus is Lord of Heaven and on Earth and
Prince of Peace

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