Prayers & Support Famine-Hit Somali'

Prayers: Dear God forgive us for all our
sins again you. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ the Savior of world.  God, I know that you hear the prayers of your faithful servant.   The people in Somalia Africa are suffering the worst famine ever.  I know that you are aware of this.  I pray that your Holy Spirit touches their hearts of the people of Somalia.    
I also ask that you will send messengers that will feed them food and the Spiritual Food that comes only from heaven, your Holy words of Jesus the Savior of all human being. Thank you God, you are the creator of all living things, in the heavens and on earth. There is no other God, only you. Glory, Truth, and Honor goes before you. Thank you for hearing this prayer, in the name of Jesus the Christ. Amen!
God  is Love 1John 4:16         


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