Hear the Words of the Lord - Dead Birds And Fishes

I Pray that God in Jesus' name provide us with understanding and knowledge to His words.  May our Lord be with you all. 

March 8, 2010 1 million Dead Fish in Ca. USA 
Hosea 4 (New Living Translation)
Hear the word of the Lord, O people....! The  Lord has brought charges against you, saying: “There is no faithfulness, no kindness,  no knowledge of God in your land. You make vows and break them; you kill and steal and commit adultery. There is violence everywhere—one murder after another.

That is why your land is in mourning, and everyone is wasting away. Even the wild animals, the birds of the sky, and the fish of the sea are disappearing. Don’t point your finger at someone else and try to pass the blame!

Wisconsin farmer shocked to discover 200 dead cows; officials think cattle had deadly virus BY NINA MANDELL-DAILY NEWS STAFF WRITER

Sunday, January 16, 2011
First it was birds in Arkansas. Then it was fish in Maryland. And now authorities are trying to figure out what killed 200 cows in a pasture in Stockton, Wisc.

The owner of the cattle told sheriff's deputies he suspects the cows died from a virus - most likely IBR (infectious bovine rhinotracheitis) or BVD (bovine virus diarrhea), which can cause respiratory and reproductive problems, the Wisconsin Rapids Tribune reported.  Samples of the dead animals were sent to Madison to be tested, but officials said other animals and people in the area will likely not be affected by whatever killed the cows. The Portage County Humane Society is handling the investigation, the newspaper said.  Attempts by local media to reach the unlucky farmer were unsuccessful.  The death of the cows is just the latest in mass animal deaths in the US.  Last week, an estimated 300 birds were found out the side of a highway in Alabama. Experts told WAAY-TV that a large vehicle, most likely a tractor trailer was responsible for the deaths.

God is Love 1John 4:16


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