Prayers For Christians Fleeing ISIS

1. God loves, protects, and provides for refugees.
• He watches over them. Ps. 146:9.
• He provides refuge for them, a shelter from the storm, and shade from the heat. Ps. 9:9, Is.25:4.
• He shows no partiality to nativ es of a country. Refugees and natives have equal status is His sight. Deut. 10:16-19, Num.15:16.
• He defends their cause, prov iding food and clothing for them. Deut. 10:16-19.
• Jesus announced that the essence of his ministry was to help and serve people in refugee-like situations.  Luke 4:16-2

2. God expects his people to love refugees and to give freely of their resources to help them.
• Love refugees as you love yourselves. Lev. 19:34, Deut 10:16-19.
• Treat refugees fairly and stand up for them when others mistreat them. Ps. 82:4, Ex. 22:21,
    Lev. 19:33,   Zech. 7:9-10, Deut. 23:15.
• Share your food, clothing, and sh elter with them. Is. 58:6-11, Lk. 3:10, Mt. 25:31-46
• Invite them into your home s. Heb. 13:2. Is. 58:6-11, Luke 14:12-13.
• Set aside part of your income to help them. Lev. 19:10, 23:22, Deut. 24:19-21, 14:28-29, 26:12,
   Gal. 2:10, Ja. 1:27.
• Sell your possessions to hel p them if need be. Lk. 12:33, Mt.19:21.
• Encourage them. Is. 1:17
3. God views our compassionate treat ment of refugees as a fundamental indicator of true Christianity.
• When believers stand before Him on judgment day He will ask them how they treated refugees . Luke        14:12-13, Matthew 25:31- 46.

4. God expects the nations to rescue refugees , to take them in, and to treat them just like her native born. 
• Rescue refugees from persecuting nations. Is. 16:3-5.
• Give shelter to them from their destroyers. Is. 16:3-5.
• Never return refugees to thei r oppressors. Let them live with you. Deut. 23:15.
• Give them a choice as to wher e they can live among you. Deut.23:15
(by . Seven Bible Principles)

God is Love and Jesus is Christ the Lord and Savior of the World!  Amen!

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