The Birth Pain-- El Dolor del Nacimiento

Birth Pain before the 2nd coming of the Lord
Les aseguro que no pasará esta generación hasta que todas estas cosas sucedan.  El cielo y la tierra pasarán, pero mis palabras jamás pasarán.   Tengan cuidado, no sea que se les endurezca el corazón por el vicio, la embriaguez y las preocupaciones de esta vida. De otra manera, aquel día caerá de improviso sobre ustedes,  pues vendrá como una trampa sobre todos los habitantes de la tierra.  Estén siempre vigilantes, y oren para que puedan escapar de todo lo que está por suceder, y presentarse delante del Hijo del hombre.  De día Jesús enseñaba en el templo, pero salía a pasar la noche en el monte llamado de los Olivos,  y toda la gente madrugaba para ir al templo a oírlo. Lucas 21:32-38 NVI

Truly I tell you, this generation (those living at that definite period of time) will not perish and pass away until all has taken place.  The sky and the earth (the universe, the world) will pass away, but My words will not pass away.
Watch Tower Keeping Watch
But take heed to yourselves and be on your guard, lest your hearts be overburdened and depressed (weighed down) with the giddiness and headache and nausea of self-indulgence, drunkenness, and worldly worries and cares pertaining to [the business of] this life, and [lest] that day come upon you suddenly like a trap or a noose;   For it will come upon all who live upon the face of the entire earth.

Keep awake then and watch at all times [be discreet, attentive, and ready], praying that you may have the full strength and ability and be accounted worthy to escape all these things [taken together] that will take place, and to stand in the presence of the Son of Man.

Now in the daytime Jesus was teaching in [the porches and courts of] the temple, but at night He would go out and stay on the mount called Olivet.   And early in the morning all the people came to Him in the temple [porches or courts] to listen to Him. Luke 21:32-38 AMP
God is Love 1John 4:16

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