Prayers for The United States of America

Pray with me for the United States of America and protection  

Dear God I pray in the name of Jesus Christ for the USA for all our sins against you.  I pray for all the churches and its leaders to be obedience to you and to allow the HOLY SPIRIT of Truth to reign within their lives each moment and in your house of worship.
I also pray for all the children in the USA that have suffered abuse in the hands of Adults.  I pray for all the seniors’ old people that are not getting the best or care for their health.  I pray for all the girls, boys and women that are being use as sex slaves.

I pray for the leaders of the USA to remember the reason you God gave our forefathers and foremothers this country.  I pray for the people of USA to obey and do Justice, liberty, and freedom you gave us. 
I pray for all the children that have disobeyed their parents. I pray for the fathers in the United States to pick up the responsibility and take care of their children and train them for the future responsibility into this world. I pray for husbands and wives to hold their marriages together.  I pray for mothers to teach their daughters how to be respected and their bodies too. I pray for mothers to teach their sons to respect women and themselves.    

You gave the people of the United States of America the responsibility to take care of the poor, the widows, the orphans, the foreigners, release the oppressed, execute judgment, provide for the poor, feed the hungry and love your neighbors for your Glory God.

Forgive us Father for all our sins against you in the name of Jesus Christ.  Please have mercy on us, with your love, grace and have compassion upon us.  We have sinned against you.  I ask that you God touch every hearts of every person of the United States of America for your glory.  We have sin against you.

I prayed in the name of Jesus the Savior of the World.  I am so sorry Father God for ALL OUR SINS. Forgive the PEOPLE OF THE USA and FOR ALL OUR SINS AGAINST you, whether, YOU ARE YOUNG AND OLD, RICH AND POOR, EDUCATED AND UNEDUCATED, UNBELIEVER OF JESUS AND BELIEVER OF JESUS THE CHRIST.   And protect us all.

God is Love  1John 4:16  


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