The Watcher by Paul Henry

Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. Matthew 24:42 KJV

Por lo tanto, manténganse despiertos, porque no saben qué día vendrá su Señor. Mato 24:42 NIV

What does a watchman do? Watchman stands on guard. In the ancient ci/ties had watchmen stationed on the walls to sound a warning if an enemy approached (2kings 9:17).

God have always until this day have prophets Pastors/Priests and they saw themselves as watchmen warning the nation of God’s approaching judgment if the people did not repent.

There are division of time in which soldiers or others that were on duty to guard something; in the evening, midnight, cockcrowing and morning.

Wait on the Lord's words and be on watch for His answer to you. God is Love 1John:4:16


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